Event List

Age Group
Program Type
Program Type
Library Branch
Ongoing Events
Event Type
Registration Type

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This event is in the "Young Adult Services" group.

Teen Gaming - Video & Board Games

Wednesday, December 17, 2025 at 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Wortham Auditorium at Rosenberg Library
Program Type:
Young Adult Services
Age Group:
Teen Gaming:

Let's play board games like Superfight, Pandemic, Settlers of Catan, and Sheriff of Nottingham. Never heard of those? That's fine - we'll teach you how it works! Come dance to Just...

This event is in the "Children's Services" group.

Story Fair

Thursday, December 18, 2025 at 10:00am - 10:30am
Wortham Auditorium at Rosenberg Library
Program Type:
Children's Services
Age Group:
Children, Preschoolers
Story Fair:

Story Fairs celebrate stories in a big way and are designed for schools and daycares. These free 30-minute programs may include stories, songs, skits, and puppet shows all in Rosen...

This event is in the "Adult Services" group.

COPD Support Group

Thursday, December 18, 2025 at 6:30pm - 7:45pm
Randall Room at Rosenberg Library
Program Type:
Adult Services
Age Group:
Event Details:

This support group provides education, resources, and peer support for individuals living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Meetings are held every 3rd Thursday of...

Closing Early New Year's Eve

Wednesday, December 31, 2025 at 6:00pm - 11:00pm
Rosenberg Library

The library will be closing early at 6pm in observance of New Years

This event is in the "Young Adult Services" group.

Y.A.L.L. Meeting

Friday, January 2, 2026 at 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Randall Room at Rosenberg Library
Program Type:
Young Adult Services
Age Group:
Y.A.L.L. Meeting:

Y.A.L.L. (Young Adult Library Leaders) is a group for teens to get together and discuss what they'd like to see at their library, such as different programs, projects, and initiati...

This event is in the "Young Adult Services" group.

Teen Tabletop RPG

Tuesday, January 6, 2026 at 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Fox Room at Rosenberg Library
Program Type:
Young Adult Services
Age Group:
Teen Tabletop RPG:

Come explore the world of Dungeons & Dragons with a character you create and roleplay! Join a group of adventurers in a campaign run by other teens. Ages 13-18 only.

This event is in the "Young Adult Services" group.

Teen Gaming - Video & Board Games

Wednesday, January 7, 2026 at 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Wortham Auditorium at Rosenberg Library
Program Type:
Young Adult Services
Age Group:
Teen Gaming:

Let's play board games like Superfight, Pandemic, Settlers of Catan, and Sheriff of Nottingham. Never heard of those? That's fine - we'll teach you how it works! Come dance to Just...

This event is in the "Children's Services" group.

Story Fair

Thursday, January 8, 2026 at 10:00am - 10:30am
Wortham Auditorium at Rosenberg Library
Program Type:
Children's Services
Age Group:
Children, Preschoolers
Story Fair:

Story Fairs celebrate stories in a big way and are designed for schools and daycares. These free 30-minute programs may include stories, songs, skits, and puppet shows all in Rosen...

This event is in the "Young Adult Services" group.

Artists' Alley Workshop

Thursday, January 8, 2026 at 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Wortham Auditorium at Rosenberg Library
Program Type:
Young Adult Services
Age Group:
Artist’ Alley Workshop:

Let's make some art!  We'll break out the supplies to make things like Kandi bead necklaces and bracelets, Perler bead magnets and keychains, and miniature painting for games ...

This event is in the "Young Adult Services" group.

Teen Tabletop RPG

Tuesday, January 13, 2026 at 4:30pm - 7:30pm
Fox Room at Rosenberg Library
Program Type:
Young Adult Services
Age Group:
Teen Tabletop RPG:

Come explore the world of Dungeons & Dragons with a character you create and roleplay! Join a group of adventurers in a campaign run by other teens. Ages 13-18 only.

This event is in the "Young Adult Services" group.

Teen Gaming - Video & Board Games

Wednesday, January 14, 2026 at 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Wortham Auditorium at Rosenberg Library
Program Type:
Young Adult Services
Age Group:
Teen Gaming:

Let's play board games like Superfight, Pandemic, Settlers of Catan, and Sheriff of Nottingham. Never heard of those? That's fine - we'll teach you how it works! Come dance to Just...

This event is in the "Children's Services" group.

Story Fair

Thursday, January 15, 2026 at 10:00am - 10:30am
Wortham Auditorium at Rosenberg Library
Program Type:
Children's Services
Age Group:
Children, Preschoolers
Story Fair:

Story Fairs celebrate stories in a big way and are designed for schools and daycares. These free 30-minute programs may include stories, songs, skits, and puppet shows all in Rosen...

This event is in the "Young Adult Services" group.

Young Adult Book Club

Friday, January 16, 2026 at 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Randall Room at Rosenberg Library
Program Type:
Young Adult Services
Age Group:
YA Book Club:

Join our Young Adult Book Club and attend our book discussions and you'll get a new book to keep every month!  Ages 13-18 only.

This event is in the "Young Adult Services" group.

Teen Tabletop RPG

Tuesday, January 20, 2026 at 4:30pm - 7:30pm
Fox Room at Rosenberg Library
Program Type:
Young Adult Services
Age Group:
Teen Tabletop RPG:

Come explore the world of Dungeons & Dragons with a character you create and roleplay! Join a group of adventurers in a campaign run by other teens. Ages 13-18 only.

This event is in the "Young Adult Services" group.

Teen Gaming - Video & Board Games

Wednesday, January 21, 2026 at 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Wortham Auditorium at Rosenberg Library
Program Type:
Young Adult Services
Age Group:
Teen Gaming:

Let's play board games like Superfight, Pandemic, Settlers of Catan, and Sheriff of Nottingham. Never heard of those? That's fine - we'll teach you how it works! Come dance to Just...

This event is in the "Children's Services" group.

Story Fair

Thursday, January 22, 2026 at 10:00am - 10:30am
Wortham Auditorium at Rosenberg Library
Program Type:
Children's Services
Age Group:
Children, Preschoolers
Story Fair:

Story Fairs celebrate stories in a big way and are designed for schools and daycares. These free 30-minute programs may include stories, songs, skits, and puppet shows all in Rosen...

This event is in the "Young Adult Services" group.

Artists' Alley Workshop

Thursday, January 22, 2026 at 4:30pm - 6:30pm
Wortham Auditorium at Rosenberg Library
Program Type:
Young Adult Services
Age Group:
Artist’ Alley Workshop:

Let's make some art!  We'll break out the supplies to make things like Kandi bead necklaces and bracelets, Perler bead magnets and keychains, and miniature painting for games ...

This event is in the "Young Adult Services" group.

Teen Tabletop RPG

Tuesday, January 27, 2026 at 4:30pm - 7:30pm
Fox Room at Rosenberg Library
Program Type:
Young Adult Services
Age Group:
Teen Tabletop RPG:

Come explore the world of Dungeons & Dragons with a character you create and roleplay! Join a group of adventurers in a campaign run by other teens. Ages 13-18 only.

This event is in the "Young Adult Services" group.

Teen Gaming - Video & Board Games

Wednesday, January 28, 2026 at 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Wortham Auditorium at Rosenberg Library
Program Type:
Young Adult Services
Age Group:
Teen Gaming:

Let's play board games like Superfight, Pandemic, Settlers of Catan, and Sheriff of Nottingham. Never heard of those? That's fine - we'll teach you how it works! Come dance to Just...

This event is in the "Children's Services" group.

Story Fair

Thursday, January 29, 2026 at 10:00am - 10:30am
Wortham Auditorium at Rosenberg Library
Program Type:
Children's Services
Age Group:
Children, Preschoolers
Story Fair:

Story Fairs celebrate stories in a big way and are designed for schools and daycares. These free 30-minute programs may include stories, songs, skits, and puppet shows all in Rosen...

This event is in the "Young Adult Services" group.

Artists' Alley Workshop

Thursday, January 29, 2026 at 4:30pm - 6:30pm
Wortham Auditorium at Rosenberg Library
Program Type:
Young Adult Services
Age Group:
Artist’ Alley Workshop:

Let's make some art!  We'll break out the supplies to make things like Kandi bead necklaces and bracelets, Perler bead magnets and keychains, and miniature painting for games ...

This event is in the "Young Adult Services" group.

Teen Tabletop RPG

Tuesday, February 3, 2026 at 4:30pm - 7:30pm
Fox Room at Rosenberg Library
Program Type:
Young Adult Services
Age Group:
Teen Tabletop RPG:

Come explore the world of Dungeons & Dragons with a character you create and roleplay! Join a group of adventurers in a campaign run by other teens. Ages 13-18 only.